About Daikokuya

We are now a professional distributor and wholesaler of meat and all kinds of food, and we supply a wide range of eateries, restaurants, and hotels both within Nagano prefecture and to customers in the capital as well.

As a virtual partner to our customers, our flexible system operates above and beyond the normal boundaries of a distributor, developing private brand menus, importing food directly, and responding accurately to the needs of our customers.

In addition to wholesale distribution, we have now begun offering a variety of services such as franchises, hotel management, and mail order sales, always working to service the needs of our clients.

Seven Senses


The “Shinshu Brand” is the pride of our company, with its roots in Nagano. “Seven Senses” is the name of our “Shinshu brand promotion project” It is about how we connect the producers to distributors, chefs, and sellers, in one united system, to deliver the producers’ spirit to the consumers; a baton relay of thought. That is the Seven Senses project.

Commitment to Food Education


We want to teach the children of the future about the value of quality food. We want them to understand and think about what it means to receive life and be alive. As part of our food education efforts, we began doing whole cow and pig roasts. Nowadays, such roasts have become very popular and we receive invitations for everything from gatherings within Nagano to large-scale events in Tokyo.